A Multi‐Institutional Initiative to Establish, or to Establish Mechanisms for, the Development of Shared, Hybrid First‐Year and Large‐Enrolment Courses
Draw on technology‐enabled course redesign, academic analytics, high‐impact practices, and student support to establish mechanisms for the improvement of student success and engagement in diverse critical, high‐enrolment first‐year courses with high failure rates.
Project will involve a case study led by course instructors in two related economics courses, supported by a cross‐functional team co‐ordinated at the level of the Provost’s office.
Goal of the research is to inform the establishment of a preliminary, sustainable, analytical framework and cross‐functional institutional infrastructure for instructor and departmental course renewal support.
Research will optimize improvement opportunities for large enrolment courses across the University, and establish an analytical and implementation model for institutions across the province.